Sockeye Jones has no formal training in writing, english, or journalism. However he has a magnificent beard and that seems to account for a lot these days.
In 1986, Steven King directed the movie “Maximum Overdrive.” Who knew in 2019 that we’d be living it. In a two hour period on 9/12, the Park City Police Department pulled over 20 trucks for
Local community groups are up in arms over Park City Council Candidate, Nan Worrel’s, entry in the annual Miner Day Parade. Her supporters’ chant, “Be a man, vote for Nan” didn’t resonate with all locals.
A local group has a message for Park City. “We’ve saved our open space, now it’s time to save the rest.” The group is attempting to raise $15 million.
Copyright Park Rag LLC| Please keep in mind that all of this made up | None of it is real | Seriously | It's All Fiction | Thanks for reading down this far | Again, It's all satire